Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU
Çankaya / Ankara, Türkiye
The workshop brought many actuaries, insurance experts and academicians together at METU-IAM. We thank all speakers and participants for their invaluable contributions. Special thanks goes to the workshop sponsor SOMPO insurance for standing next to us in this academic work.
Some images from the workshop can be found here.
The academic event Recent Developments in Actuarial Science Workshop will take place on 25 June 2024. The event will be hosted by the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University.
The purpose of this workshop is:
The sessions will be held in person and we encourage especially graduate students to participate.
You can also participate online via this link, and using these credentials:
Meeting ID: 251 287 827 544
Passcode: Mdi4Ks
We welcome all who are interested joining us in this special event which only requires a web registration.
The workshop will be held at Cryptology Laboratory of Institute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University. We are looking forward to seeing you here in June 2024.
Contact. Büşra Temoçin (busrat[at]